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The Devil Wears Spurs [Winchester Arizona 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) Page 5

  Ivy smiled. “That would be nice, but I’m not holding my breath.”

  * * * *

  Brutus crept through the dark room, feeling a compelling mixture of anger and tenderness when he saw Ivy Covington lying in her bed asleep. She looked so peaceful and breathtaking. She thought he was still deactivated and buried in the ground. Little did she know.

  That irritating little girl, Penny, had reactivated him and freed him. The tiny troll had claimed she was a goddess trapped inside a dead little girl’s body. As far as he was concerned she was a small, lying human he couldn’t be bothered with.

  He had more pressing matters to attend to, such as Ivy Covington, his creator and former glorious leader. She’d betrayed him by deactivating him and burying him in the ground. Someday she would pay.

  But not now. He had to find a secluded place where he would eventually imprison her and make her his slave. She was perfect for him, but the tiny woman of fleshly delights was too scarred by the past to give in to her most basic needs with him.

  He must persuade her how right they were for each other. He’d tried showing his adoration for her through worship and compliance with her orders, but it hadn’t been enough.

  He saw it all so clearly now. His dulcet creator wasn’t a goddess or even a leader. She was naturally submissive. She wanted someone to take control of her both in and out of bed. Well, he would be her superior. He would capture her, own her, and possess her.

  Her little sigh when he caressed her cheek with the back of his finger allayed his wrath to a small degree.

  “You are mine, tiny one,” he whispered just before he bent to touch his lips to her soft forehead.

  She snuggled against the pillow, completely unaware of his presence. He could hurt her for being the traitor she was. He could fuck her for being the sexually desirable female she’d proven to be.

  But strangely his greatest impulse at the moment was to climb into bed with her and hold her for being his perfect match on the very deepest of levels.

  He would do all those things to her eventually. Two years, that’s how long he’d wait to make his move. Plenty of time to prepare a place for him and for her, and it was long enough that she would feel secure in her mundane life and never expect him to have been reactivated and coming for her.

  Just before he left he looked back at her one last time. “Someday, little one.”

  Chapter Two

  Kellan Brooks floated in the pool with Jade and his half brother, Sawyer. The afternoon sun was lower in the sky, though sunset was still a ways off.

  Kellan sucked the fruit smoothie through his straw, trying to do so in as manly a manner as possible. Jade had made them all smoothies, which they drank from tall, frosty glasses with colored straws and paper umbrellas.

  Doc and Stetson were off doing whatever, working probably. Kellan figured he and Sawyer should probably go help them.

  Ah hell, who could think of toiling in this sweltering heat? That was just pure insanity, and Jade looked way too frigging yummy in her blue bikini with the big white Hawaiian flowers. Her perfect cleavage spilled out of her bikini top, and her arms were plump and enticing as they glistened with water droplets when she reached for her glass. She looked tanner in the time she’d been with them. Being sun-kissed was a good look on her, though he’d wager she’d still be a knockout even if she were untouched by the sun’s rays.

  She talked and swam around with them, giggling in that cute, sexy way of hers when they tickled and playfully tried to drown her.

  Kellan smiled, feeling at ease and content. He wasn’t jealous seeing his older brother with his arms around the woman he loved. It felt right for some reason. Sawyer didn’t seem jealous of him touching Jade either.

  Doc was in on the whole “Let’s all be hot for Jade and think about a future with her” plan. But Jade’s fiancé, Bane Kennedy, hadn’t been. How the hell did he end up with a sweet, scrumptious chick like her?

  Kellan felt guilty when he recalled that Bane was dead. Best not to hold a grudge. The poor man had died without getting to share his life with Jade like he’d wanted. It sucked for the soldier. It really did, but Kellan couldn’t help but feel relieved that she would get to be with them permanently now.

  Jade had told them lately that she kept feeling like Bane was alive, though she figured her mind must be playing tricks on her. No way the guy could have survived an explosion.

  Kellan’s oldest brother, Stetson Brooks, was the other problem. He wanted nothing to do with Jade. Kellan and Sawyer could care less if Stetson ever came around to wanting in on their sweet deal or not, but Doc was adamant that they find some way to convince Stetson to join them and make Jade their wife.

  Yeah, like that was ever going to happen. Maybe Doc, Sawyer, and Kellan could just have her to themselves.

  “I should get out now and start dinner,” Jade said once the laughter had subsided.

  “You ain’t just saying that to get away from being tickled, are you, missy?” Sawyer teased with an arched brow.

  She giggled and climbed out of the pool, causing water to cascade down her voluptuous body like an erotic waterfall that had both men mesmerized. “No. I really do have to get started on dinner. Stetson will get crabby if I make him wait for food after he’s been working hard all day in the hot sun.”

  Sawyer scowled. “Fuck him.”

  She blushed and cleared her throat. “I’d rather not.”

  Kellan knew that wasn’t true. His sense of smell as a wolf shifter kicked in and he caught the slight coat of moisture that seeped into her folds over Sawyer’s suggestion.

  Kellan cursed the prudish towel that endeavored to come between him and his mate’s alluring body. The water shimmered on her tan flesh and the way the sunlight hit it made her look especially appetizing. Her appeal was like the human version of a nice fudgy brownie as far as he was concerned. Right now he was tempted to fly out of the pool and tackle her to the grass. That soft, tantalizing pan of brownies needed to be eaten up immediately. The thought made him smile.

  “Don’t go, baby. There’s something in my trunks. Ow!” Kellan grabbed his crotch, trying not to smile. “It really hurts. I think you need to take a look.”

  Sawyer grinned. “Now why didn’t I think of that? Kitten, I’ve got problems in my drawers, too. Help us out here, will you?”

  Jade laughed. “Nice try, boys. I know that trick. I really do have to get started on dinner.”

  “You’re just going to leave us hanging, honey?” Kellan made his lips pout and gave her sad puppy eyes.

  She groaned. “Oh, don’t do that. You’ll make me feel bad.”

  Sawyer grinned and gave a sideways nod of his head. “Then get your hot ass back in here. Don’t make me pull you back in here and show you my crazed shark impression again.”

  She giggled before clearing her throat and letting the towel drop. Her naughty smile at the way their eyes scanned her half-naked body was mischievous and playful.

  “Yeah, I’m not going to do that. I’m just going to go ahead and do what I want to do…Sir.”

  Kellan smirked at her words that were followed by a bad girl grin.

  Sawyer’s eyes narrowed, but his devilish smile said he accepted her bratty challenge to his authority. “Is that so?”

  She crossed her arms, looking entertained. “Yeah, it’s so. In fact, I’ve been thinking about just letting my pubic hair grow back in. I know that’s probably going to suck for you having hair in your face when you go down on me, but hell, what do I care?”

  Sawyer’s eyes narrowed as he walked through the water toward her. “Keep talking, angel face.”

  Jade looked excited and amused. “I was thinking I’d quit cooking for a while, too. See how you like doing it every night instead.”

  “Start running, cupcake.” Sawyer got out of the pool, going after her when she ran screaming and laughing.

  Kellan chuckled. He’d root for Jade, but honestly, he was kind of hoping Sawyer would catch her and bring her back into the pool with them.

  * * * *

  Bane wandered up the driveway to the Brooks’ ranch under the late-afternoon sun. Too stinkin’ hot.

  His heart nearly stopped beating when he saw Jade running across the lawn, screaming playfully. He groaned and walked faster when he saw that all she wore was a bikini. His dick lifted, pulsing with as much enthusiasm as his heart.

  His eagerness took a nosedive when he saw Sawyer Brooks run up behind her in mere green swimming trunks and grab his lady by the waist, lifting her off her feet. Her girlish scream and pretend pleas for mercy were adorable, but they halted him in his tracks. She looked so happy…without him. Maybe he’d made a mistake coming back to her.

  A lump formed in Bane’s throat, making his esophagus hurt with longing. His mate didn’t need him anymore. Why the hell should she when fate had granted her four other mates to take his place?

  He was about to turn around and walk back the way he came when he heard a feminine voice holler his name in the arid stillness. “Bane!”

  He looked up and saw his dishy mate running toward him. The closer he drew the more he saw her wince and heard her repetitive “Ow, ow, ows.” Poor thing. The ground probably burned the soles of her bare feet. Either that or the sharp gravel wasn’t being very nice to them.

  Her dark hair was wet and she looked tanner than he remembered. Her breasts bounced when she ran toward him. Her legs were plump with slight muscle tone, but they had a nice jiggle to them when she really moved like that.

  Bane jogged over to her and caught her in his arms. She felt damp and cool and her hair smelled of chlorine. He smelled sunblock on her, too, and it made him happy to know his mate was protecting her skin.

  He held her tight, feeling his chest ache with joy when he heard her sobbing while she clung to him.

  “It’s really you. I thought you were dead. God, I missed you so much.”

  He’d left a hole in her life with his absence even though four other men had been there to comfort her? Bane nearly wept with joy himself.

  “I missed you, too, princess, more than you can imagine.”

  In the background he heard a resounding “God, no!”

  Bane’s lips curled up into a smug smile. The voice sounded like Kellan’s.

  Bane held his woman tighter. His mind silently chanted an unheard victory. Ha-ha, dick face.

  But there was a nagging voice in the back of his mind that reminded him that he would have to make a difficult decision. Either he would take Jade away from her other mates, or he would have to share her with them.

  * * * *

  Jade Flowers couldn’t stop hugging and touching Bane. Her fiancé was alive. She figured her face would hurt from smiling so much by the end of the day.

  Sawyer was respectful to Bane, but she could tell he was disappointed to see Bane return for her.

  Kellan didn’t do so well at hiding his feelings. He shook Bane’s hand, but his defeated scowl gave away his resentment. After a brief exchange of words Kellan and Sawyer returned to the pool.

  Bane followed Jade into the kitchen so she could start on dinner. Her hands wouldn’t stop shaking and her lips refused to leave his alone for more than two seconds.

  “I can’t believe you’re really here. Oh my god.”

  “It means a lot that you’re so happy about seeing me alive.”

  She pulled back from the kiss, saddened that he would suspect her to be otherwise. “Well, of course I’m glad. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Well, you know…”

  “Shut up.”

  She grabbed his face and planted another kiss on his lips. They were slightly chapped, so she got him some water and put some of her lip balm on them.

  “You bad boy, you’re dehydrated.”

  “I had to walk from town,” he explained in between guzzling water. “I would have shifted to get here quicker, but walking in the heat with all that fur would have been a bitch.”

  “What happened to your car?”

  “After I died it got towed.” He brushed her cheek when she got a melancholy look on her face. “I’m okay now, Jade.”

  She smiled. “I know. I’ve got to get dinner started. I think I’ll work on dessert first, though.”

  Jade felt her pussy moisten when she sensed his eyes on her booty when she bent over to get the carton of strawberries from the fridge. Feeling naughty, she pulled the can of whipped cream out and set it on the counter.

  Bane’s eyes sparkled with understanding. “What are you going to do with that?”

  She closed the fridge door. “Well, I was planning on making strawberry shortcake for dessert. All of this stuff can be used for other things, too, though, in case you were wondering.”

  He grinned and picked up the can of whipped cream, shaking it a little. “Like what, Jade?”

  She shrugged innocently, fighting the vixen smile that threatened to betray her angelic facade. “Oh, I don’t know. I should probably get dressed before making anything in here. Don’t you think I should take off my bikini, Bane?”

  “Yes,” he blurted in a husky tone that made her giggle.

  His eyes heated as she untied her bikini top and revealed her naked tits to his hungry eyes. It had been too long. She couldn’t imagine how enjoyable this encounter would be for him when she smelled like chlorine and her breasts were spotted with gooseflesh from the cold pool water.

  Then again, the oversized lump in his jeans and the sudden haste with which he devoured her face told her a different story. She lost her breath when he practically hurled her down onto the marble island and squirted whipped cream onto her breasts. He covered the mounds in the white foam before placing a piece of cut-up strawberry on either nipple, making a delicious bra for her.

  “Aw, you made me look so yummy. Very artistic of you.”

  Her pulse raced with anticipation when he peeled her wet bikini bottoms off her. He sprayed some sweet foam onto her labia, ridding the tube of excess cream by wiping the tip off on her soft clitoris. He gave her a wicked smile when he heard her breath hitch in response.

  Bane took a picture of his personal strawberry shortcake on his cell phone before getting down to business. Jade salivated when he picked up a strawberry off her tit with his mouth and fed it to her. She willingly sucked the berry into her mouth, kissing him briefly before chewing the luscious fruit.

  After he ate the other berry, his head lowered and his tongue swirled around her boobs one at a time, collecting the whipped cream. He swiped his hand in some and patted her cheek with a mischievous chuckle when she glowered at him.

  “You’re going to pay for that one.”

  “I won’t eat you out unless you cooperate and lie still,” he threatened with a twinkle in his light-green eyes.

  She refrained from smothering him in whipped cream and simply felt his tongue moving across her body on its carnal descent toward the hot ache between her legs. His tongue plunged into the moist cloud of whipped cream, lapping it up and tracing the edges of her labia. The wet oral gesture summoned cream of a different nature from her slick, heated channel.

  Bane ran his tongue up the length of her pussy, making her body tense and tingly. He flicked his tongue against her clit and swirled it around, kissing and loving on it. She’d missed this, missed him.

  He dipped his tongue into her slit, lapping up the nectar her body yielded for him. She gasped in euphoria at the feel of his warm tongue teasing her entry before it ventured upward and made circles on her clitoris. The fervent licks became powerful, and his grinding movements against the folds of her cunt were erotic. The traces of blond stubble added a nice rough edge to balance the softness of his wet tongue.

  “Oh Bane,” she breathed, feeling swells of rapture growing from deep inside her.

  Her aura broke, giving way to tides of delight. Her body opened for him, pouring her surrender in sudden trembles and warm honey that oozed from her pussy.

  He plunged two of his fingers into her vagina, thrusting and stroking to bring her double the pleasure. The beads of moisture trickling down her legs felt like teasing fingers.

  Jade moved her hips into him, caving to her needs. After another lick or so her cunt sucked his digits and her release washed over her body and his fingers. She stifled her cries, but the tremors on her body she couldn’t hide. When she finished he lapped up her juices with a heady growl, muddling her senses with bliss.

  She was about to scream in delicious agony, but he quickly moved and chased away her scream with his scintillating mouth. His tongue was a slow, deliberate instrument, taking the time to get to know her, rediscover who she was and what pleased her. He was doing a hell of a job with his inquiry. He already had her figured out, and she savored the sweet, briny taste of her pleasure in his mouth.

  She splayed her fingers in his soft, dark-blond hair. The topmost strands felt like they were lightly coated in dust. The tiny hairs near his temple were damp with perspiration. Poor guy, walking all that way in the heat.

  Still, to be kissed and tongued by a soldier who had walked for miles under the hot sun just to be with her was a touching gift. She’d missed him more than she could stand.

  “How was that?” he asked, looking proud of himself.

  “Very good.” She heaved an exhale, beaming as she sat up. “Thank you. Your turn.”

  “Oh, you don’t want to, sweetheart. I’m all hot and—”

  “Yeah, you are. Pants off, mister.”

  Jade hopped down from the island, kneeling and licking her lips when he unfastened his jeans and lowered them to his ankles along with his briefs. She squirted some whipped cream down the length of his shaft and decorated the top of his cock with pieces of strawberries.

  Bane moaned and his dick bobbed with enthusiasm when she kissed the tip. She plucked the strawberries up one by one with her lips, chewing some and standing a couple of times to transfer the shiny red fruit to his mouth.