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The Devil Wears Spurs [Winchester Arizona 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) Page 4

  Stetson didn’t.

  “Either look into my eyes like a man or keep them lowered like my submissive.”

  Clever bastard.

  He gave his attention to his mentor.

  “What else are you feeling?”

  His gaze dropped when a storm of guilt and betrayal moved over him.

  “I didn’t tell you that you could look away,” Vinny warned.

  A wave of heat enveloped Stetson, but the subtle stirring all over him was mauled to death by anger. “I went into headspace.”

  Vinny’s poker face was unreadable. “And you think I put you there deliberately to seduce you?”

  Stetson winced and looked away. “Did you?”

  “Stetson, if you’re going to disrespect me I would rather you hit me in the face than accuse me of such a thing.” Vinny’s jaw set and his eyes narrowed. “I might accuse you of simply using me for consolation and a means of release and then pretending to be bothered afterward to evade responsibility.”

  Stetson grimaced and shook his head, feeling bad again. “I’m sorry. I know you’re better than that. I guess I just needed someone to blame for my lack of self-control.”

  “There is no need for blame when neither of us is guilty of anything. I took you to bed with me because of our mutual attraction and your obvious starvation for intimacy. I gave you what you needed like a true friend would.”

  “I didn’t think of it like that.”

  “It’s because you’re not looking at this logically. You needed comfort and protection and I gave it to you.” Vinny placed his hand on Stetson’s shoulder. “Don’t you feel comforted and sated because of what we did?

  Stetson blushed and nodded, withholding eye contact.

  “Of course you do, and I enjoyed myself as well. We’re still friends, Stetson. We just spent an enjoyable night together and now we can resume our platonic friendship.” Vinny cupped his cheek and offered him a subtle smile. He rarely smiled, but when he did he smiled for Stetson. “We can move past this because we’re not imbeciles who have to psychoanalyze a harmless night of sex between friends. We can acknowledge the pleasure, the ecstasy, and the powerful bond we shared and not get burned by it, because we’re friends and we’re going to stay that way.”

  Stetson felt a tide of warmth wash over him when Vinny’s description triggered forbidden images from their night together. He wondered if the man did it on purpose, but then he dismissed it. Vinny wasn’t manipulative. The rest of what he said made sense, but how could they go back to normal after something like that?

  “I really want to stay friends. I just think it’ll be awkward. Maybe if we took some time—”

  “No, Stetson.” Vinny shook his head and let go of him. “If we take time away from each other it will be awkward between us when we come together again. I won’t allow you to hide from me. We’re going to see each other as usual and tell no one of this, particularly your parents. They wouldn’t understand.”

  “No, they wouldn’t. I appreciate you not saying anything.”

  Vinny nodded once and headed toward the door. “I’m glad you’re thinking rationally. We’ll talk soon.”

  “Vinny.” Stetson waited until the man faced him to speak. “Will you just give me your word that nothing like that will ever happen again?”

  Vinny’s expression was neutral and objective. “Nothing will ever happen between us unless you want it to.”

  Chapter One

  Present day – Winchester, Arizona

  Patrick O’Hara was beside himself with joy. His Dom and mate, Doc McClellan had hired him to help out on the Brooks’ ranch. This new job in addition to his bartending job at Hal’s Saloon should be enough to pay the exorbitant fees his landlord required of him.

  Patrick shuddered, trying not to think about Roy, the creepy landlord. He wasn’t letting anything spoil today.

  He locked up his apartment, thankful he was able to slip away without the lecher landlord noticing. His thoughts were on Doc. Patrick liked to call him Boss sometimes. It made sense to him considering the older man was his Dom, though Doc made Patrick call him Sir during a scene.

  Patrick was twenty-one and Doc was thirty-five. Patrick didn’t mind the age difference, though. Doc was his mate, and Patrick had already kicked him in the groin to claim him. Doc had been a bit put out by that, but the mating bond had ensured his man sac was protected from the kick when Patrick had shifted into a donkey and claimed his man.

  Patrick walked down the street, feeling giddy when he thought about seeing Doc at the Brooks’ ranch. He wished Doc would let him tell people they were an item, but Boss wanted to keep it a secret…because of Stetson Brooks no doubt.

  Patrick tried not to feel down in the dumps about it, but sometimes he just couldn’t help himself. Doc loved Stetson. Patrick knew he did, but at least Doc loved him, too. Problem was Stetson was straight and Doc was bisexual.

  Patrick liked girls well enough, but since having met Doc he knew he’d never want anyone else. Boss was the man for him, the only man. Now he didn’t even look at girls the same way. Doc was his one true mate. There would never be another.

  Flying pigs of destiny, what was that? Patrick’s head jerked when he caught movement from the corner of his eyes and the sweet, luscious scent of fate on the breeze. That perfect holy mama aroma wafted up his nose, putting an even bigger grin on his already happy face. He had another mate, too, apparently a woman.

  Would Doc be mad? How could he be? He still belonged to Patrick, but glory be so did that pretty little thing walking down the street over there. Her fragrance spoke of summer with its refreshing iced tea tones and warm notes of suntan lotion. There was depth to her essence. She was the one…well, the second one.

  Patrick stood slack-jawed, sure that he looked like a dumb idiot watching her walk by. The cute little thing was shorter than him at about five feet, four inches to his five foot eight. She had short black hair that angled and got slightly longer in the front, though it was still pretty short. She had rad streaks of purple in her hair. He liked that, and plenty of soft curves.

  But most importantly she had boobs. Nice big boobs. Well, they were probably about average size, but knowing she was his mate made them seem like rotund planets to him. He needed to touch them. He hoped she didn’t mind.

  He’d have to kick her in the crotch, too so they’d be mated. It wasn’t his fault. It was just how donkey shifters claimed their mates. He was sure she wouldn’t mind. Her scent was different like she was some kind of shifter or other paranormal being. His sense of smell, while good, wasn’t as keen as his sense of hearing. He chocked that up to being part donkey.

  He crossed the street to get to his bootylicious mate. She wore shorts that hugged her super awesome butt and showed off her tan legs. Cute little gold flip flops with pretty painted toenails. She took care of herself. Well, that was good, because he was going to take real good care of her from now on. She’d never want for anything, except his dong and he’d give it to her plenty.

  “Hey, pretty lady!” he called out, frowning when she kept walking. She didn’t hear him. Someone else did. “Not you. I mean, not that you’re ugly or anything. Excuse me.”

  He hurried off to follow the confident woman down an alley. It was a bright, sunny alley, very wide and open. She shouldn’t be concerned.

  “Hey, you!”

  The sexy woman turned around and he let out a loud gasp. She wore a jungle-green halter top and her yummy titties peeked out at him just a bit from her perfect cleavage.

  Doc had always made fun of him for knowing specific shades of colors. That was more like a woman. Men were more basic, but Patrick liked the names of the different shades. Jungle-green was freakin’ awesome, and he just might have to kiss this little lady for wearing his favorite color on their first meeting. How had she known which color was his favorite?

  Destiny. It had to be.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  She had a sassy voice that
made his balls bounce for joy and his ears squeal with boyish delight.

  “Heck yes, you can. We were made for each other, cute stuff, and I’m here to end your long, lonely waiting period.” He strode toward her with confidence, certain she would fly into his arms at any moment and weep with relief that they’d finally found each other.

  “Please touch my boobies and kick my pussy,” she would plead. “I want to be yours.”

  “Yeah, you do, sexy thing. Hold still.” He’d kick her between the legs and claim her. Then they’d do it and it would be freakin’ rad.

  The young woman, who looked to be a few years older than him, probably twenty-six or so, smirked at him. “Is that so?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows at her and stood in front of her. “Yeah, it’s so, Miss Pretty. Mind if I touch your boobs? I was meant to.”

  “Excuse me?” She gave him a shove that turned him on.

  “I’m sorry. I should have introduced myself first.” He extended his hand. “I’m Patrick O’Hara, but you can just call me Prince Charming.”

  She snorted. “Oh, I can, can I?”

  “Yep. I’m going to show you how it’s done and blow your little virgin mind.”

  She folded her arms, looking amused and annoyed. “I’m not a virgin, little boy. I’ve been around.”

  He frowned before looking on the bright side with a shrug. “Oh well, at least you acquired some skills to please your man with.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “What’s your name, pretty lady?”

  She walked away from him.

  “Don’t go.”

  “Leave me alone.”

  He fell to his knees and clung to her legs. “You can’t walk away from love! You’ll always regret it. Just tell me your name.”

  “Let go of me, you little weirdo.”

  “Tell me your name.”

  “It’s Jade. Now get your fucking hands off me.”

  He let go of her and bounded up, grinning from ear to ear. “You swore at me like a bad girl. I’m so turned on right now. Feel how hard I am, cutie.”

  Jade kicked him in the groin and hurried off.

  Patrick grabbed his crotch and sank to his knees. What a woman. “No, wait! I’m supposed to kick you between the legs! Come back!”

  Someone grabbed Patrick and jerked him to his feet, shoving him up against the wall. He cringed when he saw that it was his landlord, Roy.

  “I’d like to feel how hard you are, Patrick,” Roy said with a lecherous smile.

  His balls ran screaming for cover. “Ew! No. Don’t touch me. I made last month’s rent. Now let go of me.”

  “This month’s rent went up,” Roy informed him.

  “Again?” Patrick groaned. “By how much?”

  “A hundred.”

  “What? That’s stupid! You’re stupid! Why do you keep raising the rent on me?”

  “Inflation. Speaking of inflation…”

  Patrick squirmed, wanting to gag when Roy pressed up against him. “You’re standing too close. It makes me uncomfortable.”

  “You seemed eager to get pretty close to that woman a second ago. Are you straight, Patrick, is that it?” Roy cupped his face. “I’ve seen you go to the club before. Do you have a Domme? What’s her name?”

  “No, I don’t have a Domme. Don’t touch me. I don’t like you.”

  “No, your Dominant is a man, isn’t it? I’ve seen you in town eating lunch with Doc McClellan. Is he your Dom, Patrick?”

  Patrick lowered his eyes, trying to tell a convincing lie. “No. We’re just friends. I have to go somewhere.”

  “I saw the way you looked at him. You’re bi aren’t you?” Roy’s voice lowered as he drew near Patrick’s face. “I have experience with BDSM, you know.”

  Patrick tried to push him off, tasting bile when he realized the other man was hard. “I doubt that. Abuse maybe.”

  “I could be your Dom, Patrick. Remember my offer? The rent money can go down. All you have to do is give yourself to me.”

  “No. I’m not a man-ho. I’ll never sleep with you.”

  Roy chuckled, scanning over him with a lewd noise before starting to walk away. “You’ll get desperate enough and you’ll come to me for help. I wouldn’t tell anyone about this, Patrick, or it might not end well for Doc or that woman you’re so infatuated with.”

  “I’ll kill you!” Patrick ran at him before halting in his tracks, realizing that was what the creeper wanted. Roy had tricked him and now he knew how Patrick felt about Doc and Jade.

  “Yes, Patrick, I can see you’re just friends with Doc.” Roy walked away with an obnoxious look of victory on his ugly face.

  Patrick shuddered and looked in the direction Jade had walked, but she was long gone. He must find her. She was his mate.

  * * * *

  Bane Kennedy looked out the window deep in thought. When he’d gone to track down the man who had attacked him and his fiancée, Jade Flowers, in the desert, Bane had discovered that the man, Brutus, was a cyborg. He’d ended up in a life and death struggle with the aggressive mutant, and Bane had thrown a grenade to keep Brutus from ever going near Jade and her best friend, Ivy again.

  Being a wolf shifter, Bane had survived the explosion since he wasn’t pierced or shot in the heart with silver. Apparently the cyborg had survived, too. Brutus was Ivy Covington’s creation. She’d deactivated him once she got the chance, and Bane had helped her bury him in a graveyard so Brutus would never cause trouble again.

  All that was behind him and now Bane only had one thing on his mind, Jade. He’d left his fiancée in Arizona under the care of four cowboys. He’d hated doing that, especially considering how good-looking the assheads were. Still, she’d needed protection while he went to track down her attacker.

  Bane was torn. He’d survived the explosion, but Jade still thought he was dead. Should he go back to her and take her away from the other four men who were also her mates? God, he wanted to, but the possibility of her resenting him for it later tore him up inside. He couldn’t do that to his mate.

  But how could he share her with them? He’d shared her one time with Doc McClellan and Kellan Brooks, but there was a difference between a foursome that was intended as a one-shot deal and a permanent ménage relationship.

  Bane’s heart felt heavy and dull with pain when the thought occurred to him that maybe he should just let her go. Jade thought he was dead and would be none the wiser. The four cowboys would take good care of her. He had no doubt about that. She would have a good life with them. She didn’t need him.

  Ivy Covington walked into the room. She’d been staying with her mom, Piper Covington, since her own house had been devoured in the explosion. Ivy was Jade’s best friend and a scientist. She seemed like a nice girl. He hoped someday she found the right person and lived a happy life.

  “Are you thinking about Jade?” she asked.

  He nodded. “I miss her.”

  Ivy touched his arm with a sweet look of sympathy. “You should go back to her, Bane. Why are you lingering here in California?”

  Bane sighed, feeling his chest hurt. His Adam’s apple might as well have been a spiky porcupine with how sore his throat felt from missing his lady. “If I take her away from those rancher freaks she’ll end up hating me.”

  “Jade loves you very much. She could never hate you, but if she knew you were alive and let her go on thinking you’re dead, then she might.”

  He massaged his forehead with his fingers, weighing the pros and cons of each possibility carefully. “I can’t share her with them, Ivy. She’s my mate. I know she’s their mate, too, but my heart won’t ever see that.”

  “I know. I get it. I wouldn’t want to share my partner with anyone either, but she deserves to know that you’re alive.” Ivy placed her hand on his back in platonic consolation. Her expression was one of pure empathy and goodwill. She was probably the most selfless person he knew.

  “What if she chooses them?”

  “What i
f she chooses you?”

  He smiled weakly. “The weird thing is just before I threw that grenade, after the initial depression that I was never going to see Jade again, I felt this strange sense of relief come over me because I knew she wouldn’t be alone after I was gone. She would be taken care of and kept safe, loved even. How fucked up is that?”

  “Not fucked up at all.” Ivy smiled. “I think that’s really sweet that you cared more for her well-being than your own jealousy. You can stay here as long as you need to. My mom won’t mind, but I think you should go and be with Jade at some point.”

  He let out a heavy exhale, remembering his mate’s pretty face and soft, curvy body. “I’m sorry I took her away from you back then.”

  Ivy stiffened and removed her hand from him before her features softened with forgiveness. “It’s in the past. I don’t hold it against you.”

  “I feel bad for it anyway.”


  They both smirked, easing away the tension.

  “I’m sorry about blowing up your house, too. Christ, I’ve left quite an impression, haven’t I?” Bane shook his head.

  “It’s okay. I’m not the one who has to live with you. Jade is.” Ivy managed a small smile. “You were just saving my life. Thank you.”

  He felt Jade’s pull tugging on him. He had to see her again, even if only from afar, though he doubted he could walk away from her if he saw her again. He loved her too much.

  Bane glanced over his shoulder when he saw Ivy walking out of the kitchen. “Ivy.”

  She stopped in the doorway. “Yeah?”

  “Are you sure you were okay with us burying Brutus in that graveyard?”

  “Of course. He was a psychopath. It needed to be done.”

  “You just seemed kind of…sad.”

  Her gaze drifted from his and she seemed to stare off into space. “We were friends. Well, he was obsessed with me. It scared me, but I have to admit it was a little flattering to have somebody who wanted me and nobody else, somebody who would never leave me or die.”

  Bane’s heart went out to her. “You deserve better, Ivy. You’ll find the right person, someone who’ll knock your socks off and do anything to be with you and only you.”